Shipping policy


Subjects of application
Our delivery policy only applies to customers who order ShinnyBubble products at Online Store and hotline  0905098202.

Shipping fee & delivery time
1. Delivery address in VietNam area:
Standard delivery service (GHTK)

Delivery time (from the time the order is confirmed):
- From 1 - 3 days for orders delivered

Shipping fee:
– Shipping fee will be notified immediately upon delivery.

Express delivery service

Delivery time:
- Orders placed from 0:00 - 16:00 will be delivered within 3 hours from the time the order is confirmed
- Orders placed after 16:00 will be delivered the next day.

2. Delivery address in other areas: Standard delivery service (GHTK)

Delivery time (from the time the order is confirmed):
- From 2 - 5 days for orders delivered from warehouse.

Shipping fee:
– Shipping fee will be notified immediately upon delivery.
Express delivery service

Delivery time:
- From 1 - 3 days for orders delivered

Shipping fee:
*Note: Express delivery service only applies to orders with local locations. Delivery only at central area addresses.

3. Overseas delivery address:

International orders are shipped via DHL Express Shipping. Delivery scope is America, Europe, China, Southeast Asia

Delivery time (from the time the order is confirmed):
- From 7 - 14 days.

Shipping fee:
– Shipping fee will be notified immediately upon delivery.

Look up order shipping history:
- Customers can look up order shipping history through the shipping service provider's website or application.

3. Goods inspection policy
• Customers please check the product on the spot before making payment (if any) to the delivery staff.

• Customers are responsible for checking the goods upon receipt. When discovering that the goods are damaged, scratched, broken, dented, or have the wrong goods, wrong size, wrong color, sign to confirm the status of the goods with the delivery staff and immediately notify the Department. ShinnyBubble   customer care  via hotline  0905098202 or email: sale@ for immediate processing.

• ShinnyBubble   's shipping service  will be responsible for the goods and risks such as loss or damage of the goods during the transportation process from the  ShinnyBubble   warehouse to the customer.

• When the product is delivered, the product must be in its original packaging, sealed, with no signs of being opened... with all documents from  ShinnyBubble   . If the customer finds anything unusual, he or she can refuse to receive the goods. and immediately contact ShinnyBubble   's Customer Care Department  via hotline  0905098202 or email: [email protected] for immediate processing.

• After the customer has signed to receive the goods without making notes or comments about the goods. ShinnyBubble   is not responsible for return requests due to damage, scratches, breakage, dents, wrong goods... from customers later.

• In case of delayed delivery without prior notice, the customer can refuse to receive the goods and  ShinnyBubble   will refund the entire amount the customer has paid in advance (if any) within 14 working days.

•  ShinnyBubble   commits to the quality of goods sent to customers according to orders (with complete documents, guaranteed according to company policy).

ShinnyBubble   will be the unit providing goods documents during the delivery process;

– In case of delay in delivery,  ShinnyBubble   notifies customers by phone. Customers can receive information and send an email to cancel the contract within 1 (one) hour from the time of receiving notice from  ShinnyBubble    if they wish.

We will authorize shipping services to GHTK Express Company. Upon delivery, we will email back a delivery confirmation note clearly stating the goods, quantity, model to the buyer as well as delivery unit information so that the buyer can conveniently contact to receive the goods in case the goods arrive. slow.

4. Responsibilities for delivery service providers

Transportation partners are responsible for providing transportation services in accordance with the requirements and service standards set out and agreed upon in the cooperation contract; Commit to implementing the delivery policy and compensation policy if the shipping partner's error causes damage to the buyer or us during the service provision process.

The shipping unit is responsible for providing documents related to goods when requested by competent state management agencies during the process of performing delivery services.